Sunday, February 17, 2019

Get Your Child Kindergarten READY!

Preparation Is key

Reading, writing, arithmetic…

How do you help your child become a good student?  When is the right time to begin their 
learning? How do you prepare your child for school? Preschools all over the country begin
teaching our children letters, numbers, social interaction, rules etc.  Is this enough to prepare 
our children for school? As parents, it is our responsibility to help reinforce these skills at 
home with our children.  Your child should know all of their letters, numbers, colors, how 
to write their name, and begin reading simple words prior to entering kindergarten.  If you 
want your child to be prepared and gain confidence in school, these skills need to be 
practiced at home.

There are numerous apps and games to help your child practice these skills OR you can go 
the old-fashioned pencil and paper route, which works just as well. Children as early as 3 
years of age can begin this practice.  3 year olds love to trace! The tracing will teach them 
proper letter formation and reinforce the skills of letter writing.  

The 3 year old:
  • Create a notebook for your child where they can practice writing their letters (capital 

    and lower case).  Devote a page to each letter. As their 4th birthday approaches, begin 
    focusing on the sounds of these letters.  This will help you transition your child to early 
    reading during year 4.
  • Should be able to recognize their name and the letters in it.  Try writing the letters of their 
    name in the driveway with chalk.  Have them hop on the letters as you call them out. This 
    will teach them to recognize the individual letters of their name.  We also use this same game 
    with numbers (start with numbers 0-5)
  • Have them trace the letters/numbers of their name as well.  You can do this on paper OR for 

    more fun try spraying some shaving cream on a table and have them write their letters in the 
    shaving cream!
  • Colors - there are many ways to practice kids loved the game Gumball Grab!  This 
    game is a color-based game that also focuses on the fine-motor skills of holding a pencil properly 
    as well.  Coloring helps to foster this skill at an early age and children usually have a favorite color 
    by age 3 (or even earlier).  
The 4 year old
  • Should have letter recognition mastered and be able to write most of the letters.  Continue the 
    practice of this so they are pros by the time they enter kindergarten at age 5.  
  • Child should also be practicing writing their name and fine-tuning the writing of their name on 
    a line.  Kindergarten teachers expect your child to be able to write their name on their papers 
    on the line. If you have not been practicing this skill, start!  A child that is prepared, is a 
    confident child. Fostering a healthy attitude toward learning and school will not only help 
    your child, but make your life much easier!
  • Start practicing early sight words (colors, numbers, simple 3 letter words).  Consider 
    purchasing flashcards to help drill those sight words or create your own flashcards 
    with pre-k site words.  There are many free sites on the internet that will provide you 
    with free printable sight word flash cards. Your child should begin early reading.  Purchase 
    “See Spot Run” or early reader books to help foster these skills. Practice for about 15 minutes 
    a day. Start with sounds, then transition to blending those sounds into 3 letter words.     
Following this simple advice will help you ensure your child is ready for kindergarten.  By providing 
your child with some attention toward education early on will help your child feel confident in the 
classroom. Having a positive self-esteem in school will help your child gain the confidence they need 
to be successful in life. Research shows if your child is not reading well by 2nd grade, they struggle 
in school.  Reading is essential to being successful in the classroom and in life. Help give your child 
the tools to be successful!

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